Sunday, February 13, 2011

In Praise of a Husband

“Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years. “

                                                                   ~Simone Signoret


Eleven years into this marriage and I find myself singing the praises of you, my husband. You, who are the polar opposite of me, have turned out to be its better half. 

You are the brawn to my beauty, the reason to my rhyme, the 90 mph to my 65, and yet  the voice of common sense and the strong, assertive half of me that always gets drowned in a flood of tears.  You, unlike me, are fearless to heights, to germs, to traffic tickets and to 1-800 representatives. 

You have rescued me from Photoshop mishaps, computer mishaps, camera mishaps, cellphone mishaps, driving mishaps  and  mishaps galore.  You have opened a hundred bottle caps, assembled scores of contraptions, and guided  my clumsy, directionally inept,  dense self out of  many a jam.  You are the cook in our kitchen, the garbage man and plumber, the master of the plunger.  You are the parent  who rises in the morning on school days, the person in the house who gets the least shut-eye and the one who packs my lunch, luggage, packages… and who, when the going gets tough   gets going and going and going. 

Never boring are you: most times, volatile but always humble and forgiving. You are  the  open heart of generosity, and the strong arm of discipline; the one who reins in the little boy when he’s gone too far and the first to reconcile with the wife.


Like a favorite, faded pair of pajamas, you and I slide in so nicely: two holes in one, not so two-peas-in-a-pod, but always easy … “easy like a Sunday morning.”


Belated Happy Anniversary and Happy Valentine’s!

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