Monday, April 14, 2014

So Speaks a Potsherd


Dearest Father,

I have wished many times that I had a more privileged childhood. Many times I have thought about how different my life would have turned out if were born in the United States, if I had gone to prominent schools, if I were taught to play piano or dance ballet as a child, how now I could’ve been a great pianist, or dancer, and would have some extraordinary, uncommon job…

But today You spoke to me that of the most essential thing—in fact, of the only thing that mattered-- You have gifted me—that is, the heritage of knowing Your gospel while I was growing up.  I could have been born in a Muslim country, of Muslim parents, and never would have  known You.  You could have placed me in some other poor country in Africa in direst poverty, or in some unknown tribe  in the Amazon not having even heard of Your Name. Or I could have been a child sold to human slavery in some desert camp in the Middle East.  Instead, I knew You when I was young and Your truth was revealed to me without my having to seek for it.

So today, Father, You said that I am to live my life as a stranger here (I Peter1:12), and the material things that I have mentioned above are all but garbage compared to the unsurpassed treasure of knowing You and Your Son Jesus Christ.  For if You were to take everything from me and leave me Jesus, I am the richest, most privileged person in the universe. If I were a poor, destitute orphan on the streets and I had You, I would be blessed in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ (Ephesians 1:3).  And were I oppressed, persecuted, tortured, beaten and left for dead in a cold, dark prison cell I would be the most privileged human being in the world for the privilege of suffering for You.

Father, thank You for humbling me today with these truths. How can I anymore, complain?  How can I anymore question Your wise ways? Instead I fall down on my knees in worship for You have spoken.  I am but a “potsherd among the potsherds on the ground.” (Isaiah 45:9)


the potsherd You have chosen from the potsherds on the ground

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