Sunday, March 1, 2015

A Lamb’s Meditation

Psalm 23 is a psalm I had known and memorized from childhood but never did grasp … just like a prayer or pledge or poem that one would ordinarily recite by rote…

But today, as I sat at my breakfast table, the Holy Spirit spelled it  all out, this little lamb’s eyes are opened, this little lamb can see. What staggering spiritual truths that I did not before comprehend!

“The Lord is my Shepherd, my cup runs over.”

The Good Shepherd   lays down His life for His sheep,

How can He not give me all things?

Through pastures green and quiet waters, The Lord, my Shepherd leads me.

My soul He restores when I’m weary and faint.

And anoints my head with  oil.

My cup runs over! My cup runs over.

He leads me in paths of righteousness.

In the presence of danger He spreads a feast for me. There is no fear of the enemy.

Everywhere I turn all the days of my life, His goodness and HIs love will follow me. Each way I turn, they follow me.

And as I cross the valley of shadows, I shall not fear. Even in death my Good Shepherd is near.

After the valley,  we cross  the river, only to  dwell  in HIs house forever.

The Lord is my Shepherd; my cup runs over.

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