Saturday, February 27, 2016

Of Talents and Men

In my previous note I had posed this question to God: ”Why would You give me the words for no one to read? Why would You give me a gift or talent for it to serve no one but me?” It is similar in some way to this one : “ If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, does it still make a sound? “
For a short time I believed  that I was that tree that fell and did not make a sound. I was that  voice lost in the wilderness. I was that overeager child jumping up and down, hands extended yelling: “Me! Me! Pick me! ” but someone else always gets picked.
Here I am, Lord, with my one talent. The steward of one. What to do with it?
He already had an answer, straight from His word, in a parable. The steward of many and the steward of one.  It is ALL about faithfulness. Whether you serve thousands, or whether you serve one, it is all about FAITHFULNESS. What am I to do with that one talent? Bury it on the ground like the foolish one? Or use the one and trust that God will multiply it?  The reward does not come in the fruit.  The reward is in how faithfully you used  the talent God gave you.
The tree that falls in the forest with no one there?   God is there. He hears the sound.
Our heavenly Father meant for us to use His gifts to edify His body. To extend His reach. Even in the littlest things, I have seen this at work. I have been blessed lately with friends and family that have used their gifts and without knowing it, extended the reach of God’s loving arms to touch me.
One recent example was on my birthday. I was thrilled to wear the  lovely vintage Pin-up Girl
hairstyle.  My sister-in-law Vangie had used her talent in this department  to do my hair.  She is one woman whose many talents in craft work and homemaking have wonderfully benefited me. She and my other sister-in-law Susan had prepared some of the food and beautifully decked them on lovely presentations worthy of Pinterest. They swooped in  at the right moment to rescue me from drowning in the last minute preparations so I could get dressed for my party. Someone else with the gift of encouragement helped me deal with the disappointment of  having a few friends miss my celebration.  On and on, God spreads His gifts abroad to serve His people, and to show His love at work among His children.
I see it now-- when God’s children use their gifts to serve others, they are extending His touch, His love. That is how it should be. Love begets love begets love.... Blessing begets blessing begets blessing... like ripples on ripples extending the broadness, the wideness, the highness and the reach of the goodness of God ... we are His hands and feet.
My heavenly Father was touching me through His children, blessing me through their gifts and talents. I am loved. I feel love in the body of Christ.
There’s this quote from Erma Bombeck that I serendipitously found somewhere:
“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'.”
This has become my challenge. I will find every last talent He’s given me,  squeeze them dry, wring out every last drop. I will not hide them; I will lavish them upon every brother and sister, every comrade and foe I could find. I will paint the landscape around me with His gifts. I will be that unstoppable, overexcited child of His, the one with the arms extended to reach anyone it can reach.
Love begets love begets love....
Blessing begets blessing begets blessing...
 Like ripples on ripples extending
 The broadness, the wideness, the highness, the reach
 of the goodness of God:
the ONSLAUGHT of grace.

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