Sunday, July 24, 2016

Mothers with Swords

I have never thought of myself as a warrior. Now I do. I have come back from battle where I was wounded, at the point of waving the white flag, but I was rescued and delivered and I have come back from the brink, bloodied, but fighting.

We are engaged in a war and we wage battles everyday. 
The war is real. It is a spiritual one and the casualties of these territorial battles, will be our children, if we surrender. 
This, I have learned from my recent skirmish:

Know the enemy.
Your child is not your enemy.  He is the one you have to fight for, to defend. The prince of this world is on a mission to steal, kill and destroy our sons and daughters,  the peace of our homes and our marriages.
Know that the enemy is a liar. He will convince you that you are a failure. That you should give up. 
He will exploit your weaknesses.
He will undermine your power and influence over your children's lives. He will play with your mind.

Use God's Strategy for Battle
The strategy I was using was ineffectual against my enemy. I was using my human strength and wisdom, not the wisdom and strength that comes from the Lord. I have to use God's methods and follow His ways. The battlefield is in the mind. It is fought and won on our knees.

Use the Right Weapons
Since we do not wage war with flesh and blood, we should use the weapons of spiritual warfare.
The belt of truth and the sword of God's Word to fight the enemy. Faith to shield us from  his arrows, the helmet of our salvation as our protection from any mortal wounds, and  unceasing prayer powered by the Spirit of God.  

The battle cry for us mothers is this--- Who will stand in the gap? Who will fight the bloody battles for our children? 

If we do not stand in the gap, who will? Unsheath your swords, put on your armors and let us do battle. We will not tire, for we have already won the war through our Commander Jesus Christ.

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