Monday, March 1, 2010

My Ode to Spring


I  so desire  for spring, my warmth-starved flesh


I moan and groan

My  blood runs

With the pain of waiting --



To roll  in the green, light-dappled grass under the 

spreading tree!

To run in my short sun dress and dance in the hoary


To say good bye to all my winter coats and

ornaments !

To walk out the door of a morning to a world

Basked in  bright light, and decked in green!


I will run naked to meet you, yes, naked I will fly

And let the warmth of your sun cover my nakedness

I will blaze  with shameless tattoos  that day in your


That turn of your season, that flit of your feather,

That blush of your petal, that buzz of your wing.



You will come to me --

And I like a mighty queen of the tropics  from my


Shall turn my   eyes upon the land  and sing

The praises of your lovely days, oh Spring!



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