Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Sureness of Faith

Matthew’s greatest fear a few years ago was marrying.  He was four when he  stated stoutly that he will only have a girlfriend.   He could not see himself leaving us to live with his wife.
Later on, he wrote on a couple of his grade school papers  that if  he were given three wishes  he would wish, among others, for us, his parents to live forever…

At another time, when he was seven, I found him  in tears.   He was afraid that his favorite pillow, his Blue Baby, will fall into pieces.

Months back, moments after I tucked him to bed,  I noticed my little boy  sobbing.  When I asked him why, it broke my heart when he blurted out, “What if there’s no heaven?”
37,994 feet  in the air, I am asking myself questions about fear and faith.
The fear of flying, the fear of losing, the fear of being alone, the fear of dying… 

How do I teach my son not to fear loss, death and eternity?

I told him that there is a heaven because Jesus promised so; that he doesn’t have to fear losing us because we will all be together in the end; that he doesn’t have to see proofs of skeletons dug up of giants to believe there really was a Goliath.
Blessed are those who do not see yet believe.

sunrise in  the air

It is during moments of fear that we tend to hang on to faith.  For what else is there to hold on to?  When there seems to be no sure answer to life’s questions, there is the sureness of faith. Faith by itself substantiates.  It needs no proof or evidence. "Now faith is the substance of things that we hope for; it is the evidence of things we have not seen." Hebrews 11:1

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