Monday, April 19, 2010

A Poem of Unforgetfulness

I am 
my father’s daughter.  
He is 
the face I wear to the world. 
He moves
 as I move, 
walks as I walk, 
He is
in the hunch of my shoulders as I sit, 
in the gaping of my mouth  on unguarded moments.

I can never be 
the fruit that falls far from the tree,

I am 
my father's daughter;
He is 
the blood
 running  thick through my veins; 
the face
 staring back at me 
in  startling  moments of epiphany. 

To disremember him is to disremember me.  

I cannot not be.
I remind me of him. 
There is no escaping--
My own reflection haunts me. 

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(I am 
my father's daughter.
 I am
 his  legacy.)

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