Saturday, July 10, 2010

Summer Blossoms Part 1

Last summer’s gardening frenzy involved  a lot of buying plants, pots and soil for my garden. Establishing my  garden cost me not only  time and  labor but big bucks.  Towards the end of that  summer though, I wised up and just picked cuttings from other peoples’ plants.

Heck, I’m not spending money on plants this year. And gladly so, because most of my plants are thriving. And what a surprise!  Like the pros say, plants need time to establish themselves before they could  flourish.

The problematic sampaguita plant that kept dropping its buds have now sprouted more leaves and the buds have finally matured into flowers.

This was given to me by my sis in law. The mother plant still has the same problem.  But this one blossomed, thanks to my Vigoro fertilizer.

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Oh the sweet, heady smell of the sampaguita…the Philippine’s national flower. There is nothing like it.

The crepe myrtles which died during the arctic blast, have taken on new life.


These plants were ravaged by aphids last year and died during the winter cold. But the new growths are healthy and relatively aphid-free.


Roses are so easy and rewarding to grow. They flower year round, and the blossoms stay for days…and they’re fragrant, too.


This summer heat is surely on.  Watering twice daily is ideal, but once a day is better than nothing.  I could use a sprinkler, but till then, I hose or water my plants as part of my daily routine, (along with my yoga pilates.)

I’ll keep you posted on my other gardening projects and plan(t)s.

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