Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Cold–Weather Prayer

Our place stands right in front of a man made lake, which,  on a windy winter’s day like today exposes the residents of this household to the chilly blast of arctic freeze from the north.

Cold weather makes me more appreciative and grateful for the comforts that I have even as I imagine the homeless among us braving the elements tonight without a roof over their heads, without central heating, without warm clothes, and perhaps, without hope.

And I do imagine, would I be thankful if I were that homeless guy  I pass by on the bus stop at night with his folded carton box? And I imagine still, as I crouch, shivering in the damp and bone-chilling cold, would praise and gratitude pass through my lips or cursing and despair?

My prayer today---“Teach me, Lord, to be thankful in good weather or ill.”

P.S.And remember the least of our brethren, tonight.

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