Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hiking Day 9

It’s been cloudy and rainy in the late afternoons only to clear up in the evenings. That is why  I’ve been doing evening hikes!  I’m glad for the long stretch of daylight on summers here.

Hike Stats:

Duration:  46 minutes

Distance:  2.4 miles

Pace:  19.14 minutes/mile

My pace is slower today since I really wanted to enjoy this walk.

For the past two days I’ve so far hiked a total of 6.05 miles.  Not bad for a novice, eh? 


Here are a few of the sights of this hike.


Q: Why did the teeny baby snail cross the street?

A:  To get to the other side.  


Before coming onto this side walk, I was hiking on the side of a major road without a sidewalk or biker’s path.

The cars were rushing by me like two feet away I could feel the whoosh of the wind.  There was a dead raccoon with its guts out on my path and I had wanted to take a shot of the thing .  Road kill.

I thought about going back to take a shot even up to the time when I was already  a quarter mile from it.   I never found the will to do it. Maybe I’ll find another road kill next time for you guys to see.  Not very pretty.


On this sidewalk I found some curious things…


Like this purse


And this , discarded.  I wonder what happened here.  I just hope no one got hurt.


Shingled house mailbox on top of a swan.


Bronzed butterfly mailbox.


God’s golden sunset… taken from my IPhone 4G. Amazing!


The sky on fire.  Shot taken  alongside the road, with occasional cars whizzing past me.


It was 20 minutes past 8 when I arrived home and this was the sunset on my lake.  Beautiful!  What a cap to an invigorating hike!


This was the sunset, yesterday, by the way.

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