Saturday, March 5, 2016

My Serendipity Notebook: "A Post- Lunch Meditation"

You might call me a "selective" cheapskate. I am wont to spend on some things and not on others. FYI,  I am not the type to spend $5 on coffee (or tea, for that matter). I probably go to Starbucks once every two years, but always because I'm with people. I don't just up and go to Starbucks for coffee (or tea) so yesterday was an extra-ordinary day in and of itself. I went to Starbucks.

I was on an errand on  my lunch break when I remembered that there is a Starbucks cafe not far away and that  there was no food waiting for me at home for lunch. I had a Starbucks gift card in my wallet that's been sitting there for months.

I was hungry. There was that Starbucks cafe in the corner. I had a gift card. It made perfect sense.   So I went.

I got myself a  turkey pesto sandwich with Provolone cheese that they warmed up for me, and a Chai Latte warm (not hot) tea. There was no crowd so I sat outside on a table, feet propped up underneath it, laid back on my chair and quietly relished every deliciously warm and cheesy bite of the  sandwich and the amazingly creamy and comforting latte. Perhaps, these tasted even better because they were free. Somebody else had paid for this. As I prayed for my food, I thanked God for the person who gave the gift card to my husband who gave it to me. And I prayed that God would bless that person for blessing me--whoever that person might be.

On my drive back to work, I felt an incredible sense of gratitude wash over me---an urging of the Spirit to "thank God for this moment"...  my after-Starbucks moment of being blessed with a delicious and satisfying free lunch, of being able to take myself to places in the comfort of   an air conditioned car, of being able to drive, the beauty of that cool day.  I could've had  left-over food from the night before. I could be walking or riding the bus. I could be handicapped and helpless and not be able to do all these things.

There was a sacredness  to that moment ...  at the blessed realization of the goodness of a Father "who giveth all things for us richly, to enjoy."

Yes, I am thankful for things and people and  the movements of God among us, but this one was different: it was a sense  of hush and  awe,  like a wave falling upon me and burying me  deep in that very  moment of gratefulness, feeling the myriad of emotions that an encounter with the goodness of God evokes. There was a blissfulness to it,  a sense of being cocooned and enveloped by grace, like a baby bird in the comfort of its mother's nest...  a drawing closer, a door opening into that secret chamber and  a quiet peek into  the Father's heart.

We live moment by moment. When life becomes too busy, or hard, or dry, God gives us moments like this one to  to come away with Him, to refresh us, to inspire us.  It is the Spirit breathing grace, peace and goodness.  It is our dear "Abba"-Father, whispering in our heart  of hearts-- "I am  always here."  Amen. Hallelujah!

"The eyes of all look to You and you give them their food at the proper time.
You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing." Psalm 145: 15-16

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