Thursday, August 18, 2011

Walking in the Rain

When I stepped out this morning, storm clouds hung overhead interspersed with breaks of sunlight.  I had on my super bright driving glasses which gave me an impression of  sunniness when in fact it was gloomy and dark.  Around a hundred meters out I felt drops of rain fall on my skin and I debated whether to proceed.  I turned around, went home and grabbed an umbrella, undeterred by the chance of rain.  Sure enough, the showers fell upon me and I was a vision of a crazy woman in her hiking outfit and  broken black umbrella, baseball cap  and sunglasses  trudging along in the rain.

My stubborn persistence to walk in  inclement weather was rewarded by a once-in-a lifetime (because I’ve never seen this before) vision of one, and then  two rainbows…

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And then there were four.

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Walking towards the end of the rainbow, in search for my pot of gold.

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